I have enjoyed working in stitched textiles for many years, in recent times I have developed a love of feltmaking one of the oldest forms of textiles known to man.

The enjoyment comes from the very physicality of turning the fleece into felt, and the endless possibilities of adding texture with silk fibres, scrim, ribbon and fabrics.

My design work tends to involve plants and flowers.The finished pieces are all enhanced and embellished with machine and hand stitching.


Our latest work has had the title of 'In the wood' I chose to make a screen. I looked at how we say thank you with flowers, I had two bunches of beautiful tulips given to me as a thank you from two close friends and this was my inspiration for my Thank You Screen.

Work One

T: +44 (01162303154)
E: slewis58@talktalk.net


Work 1

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